Large scale revegetation and environmental restoration can only be achieved at the landscape level if government agencies, community groups, private landowners and businesses work together on common goals. The groups listed here are part of the network that thinks globally and acts locally.

UBLN - Upper Barwon Landcare Network

Represents a dozen landcare groups in the upper catchment of the Barwon River. Landcare works, grants and projects start here if you live in this area. They produce an excellent publication called Tree Talk.

If you want to offset your car's carbon emissions, greenfleet will plant trees on rural properties as carbon sinks for you. You may also have a rural property that may be used for this purpose.

Greening Australia
national environmental organization. Locally, Greening Australia is represented by the Borrell-a-Kandalop program which assists landowners look after the Ramsar Lakes in the Corangamite Region.

Master Tree Grower
Nationally based and locally run practical training course which assists farmers and landowners about the multiple benefits trees bring to their properties.

Otway Agroforestry Network

Regional agroforesty network designed to train, educate and encourage landowners to plant trees on their property for multiple benefits- commercial, environmental and social.

SOLN - Southern Otway Landcare Network

Represents four landcare groups on the southern slopes of the Otway Range. Landcare works, grants and projects start here if you live in this area.

Land for Wildlife
Private landowners can register their property for Land for Wildlife, receive publications and attend various training sessions- all to help you help wildlife.

Australian Plant Society
Promotes the growing and conservation of Australian native plants. Excellent publication called Growing Australian.

A local group dedicated to protecting the indigenous flora and fauna, and maintaining the natural beauty of Anglesea and Airey's Inlet and surrounds.

Otway Community Conservation Network

Aims to protect and enhance ecological values in the Otways through coordinated community action managing two major weed species- bridal creeper and boneseed.

Corymbia maculata

Allocasuarina littoralis